Business Development and Project Management
Facilitate access to capital and public benefits targeted to private sector businesses. Advise start-up and expanding business owners by using business case testing, research, executive and mid-level management coaching. Consult on presentation preparation and provide feedback.
Administer and Manage Programs
Work to develop, retain, grow and attract business in and to Auburn. Advise businesses in obtaining public and private sector financing. Complete matching grant applications, prepare reimbursement requests, periodic reports and communication between City Council and the statewide administrators. Past co-chair of the statewide Empire Zone Marketing Committee.
Staff Community Boards and Authorities
Compute cost-benefit analysis and create payment in lieu of tax incentive packages for new and expanding businesses. Supervise staff for the delivery of tax exempt revenue bonds, sales and mortgage tax benefits, and provide technical assistance. Coordinate loan intake and evaluation with the business loans board, banks and staff, as well as loan follow-up and collection of a $2.5 Million portfolio.
Manage and Oversee Community Project Development
Provide project management to secure financing, solicit proposals, control budgets, and supervise the construction for essential community infrastructure. Past projects include: Adult Education and Child Care Center; expansion of a neighborhood center to offer more child care; and a dormitory-style apartment complex for Cayuga Community College Students in downtown Auburn.
Determine and Deliver Programs and Incentives
Research and evaluate incentive programs offered by State and Federal agencies. While maintaining confidentiality, educate and train existing, new and attracted business staff and representatives in the most effective and efficient incentive benefits response methods.
Create and Deliver Key Marketing Efforts
Develop budget-based presentation targets and strategies, and direct the design of various initiatives and materials to promote Auburn. Plan and produce showcase events. Place advertisements, maintain cooperative relationships with local, regional, and national media in ensuring appropriate presentation of Auburn. Provide opportunities for area businesses to make business to business connections fostering networks and generating sales.
Assess and Allocate Resources Within Programs
Support CDBG budget process which includes funds for loans, housing, and community development. Supervise staff on a project by project basis. As staff team member, offer input, and consultation with regard to land use planning.
Positions Held
Business Development Specialist
Planning & Economic Development Program Manager
City of Auburn Planner, Senior Planner and Empire Zone Coordinator
Budget Analyst
Syracuse Housing Authority, Syracuse, NY
Community Services Coordinator
Syracuse Area Catholic Charities, Syracuse, NY
Training Manager
United States Peace Corps stationed in Swaziland, Southern Africa
Science Teacher
United States Peace Corps stationed in Swaziland, Southern Africa